FitStyle - A Lifestyle Brand

21 Day
FitStyle Hustle
What a year, amiright?! The last 8 months have changed our world and our personal lives in ways most of us would never had imagined. We have endured loss, trauma, new and old stressors, cancelled plans, vacations, life events... some of us have hit rock bottom, lost income, and maybe almost lost our minds. We've been separated from people we love in ways we wouldn't wish on anyone.
Needless to say, the toll this year has taken on our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing has been impactful. We've been taken out of routines, gone to food for comfort, and maybe are in place we don't feel our best at.
Regardless of where you are right now, my hope is that the next 3 weeks helps push you forward towards the end of a very hard year and towards a new path of health, happiness, and good habits.
To sign up, just enter your email in the box below and be on the lookout for your first workout and accountability worksheet on November 26th!
I am SO excited to do this right alongside of you!
patty lauren